Source code for scalarization.GLIDE_II

import numpy as np

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Union

[docs]class GLIDEError(Exception): """Raised when an error related to the ASF classes is encountered. """
[docs]class GLIDEBase: """ Implements the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Note: Additional contraints produced by the GLIDE-II formulation are implemented such that if the returned values are negative, the corresponding constraint is violated. The returned value may be positive. In such cases, the returned value is a measure of how close or far the corresponding feasible solution is from violating the constraint. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): self.has_additional_constraints = False self.utopian = utopian self.nadir = nadir self.rho = rho self.required_keys: dict = {} self.extras = kwargs
[docs] def __call__(self, objective_vector: np.ndarray, preference: dict) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the scalarization function value based on objective vectors and DM preference. Args: objective_vector (np.ndarray): 2-dimensional array of objective values of solutions. preference (dict): The preference given by the decision maker. The required dictionary keys and their meanings can be found in self.required_keys variable. Returns: np.ndarray: The scalarized value obtained by using GLIDE-II over objective_vector. """ self.preference = preference self.objective_vector = np.atleast_2d(objective_vector) f_minus_q = self.objective_vector - self.q mu = np.atleast_2d( I_alpha = self.I_alpha max_term = np.max(mu[:, I_alpha] * f_minus_q[:, I_alpha], axis=1) sum_term = self.rho * np.sum(self.w * f_minus_q, axis=1) return max_term + sum_term
[docs] def evaluate_constraints( self, objective_vector: np.ndarray, preference: dict ) -> Union[None, np.ndarray]: # TODO: Description for Args & Returns are yet to be filled. """Evaluate the additional contraints generated by the GLIDE-II formulation. Note: Additional contraints produced by the GLIDE-II formulation are implemented such that if the returned values are negative, the corresponding constraint is violated. The returned value may be positive. In such cases, the returned value is a measure of how close or far the corresponding feasible solution is from violating the constraint. Args: objective_vector (np.ndarray): [description] preference (dict): [description] Returns: Union[None, np.ndarray]: [description] """ if not self.has_additional_constraints: return None self.preference = preference self.objective_vector = np.atleast_2d(objective_vector) constraints = ( self.epsilon[self.I_epsilon] + self.s_epsilon * self.delta_epsilon[self.I_epsilon] - self.objective_vector[:, self.I_epsilon] ) return constraints
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def I_alpha(self): pass
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def I_epsilon(self): pass
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def mu(self): pass
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def q(self): pass
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def w(self): pass
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def epsilon(self): pass
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): pass
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): pass
[docs]class reference_point_method_GLIDE(GLIDEBase): """ Implements the reference point method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=nadir, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.has_additional_constraints = False self.__I_alpha = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=True ).flatten() self.__I_epsilon = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False ).flatten() self.__w = 1 self.__mu = 1 / (nadir - utopian) self.required_keys = { "reference point": ( "Used to calculate the direction of improvement: " "a line parallel to the nadir-utopian vector " "and passing through the reference point. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ) } @property
[docs] def I_epsilon(self): return self.__I_epsilon
[docs] def I_alpha(self): return self.__I_alpha
[docs] def mu(self): return self.__mu
[docs] def w(self): return self.__w
[docs] def q(self): return self.preference["reference point"]
[docs] def epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs]class GUESS_GLIDE(GLIDEBase): """ Implements the GUESS method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=nadir, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.has_additional_constraints = False self.__I_alpha = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=True ).flatten() self.__I_epsilon = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False ).flatten() self.__w = 0 self.required_keys = { "reference point": ( "Used to calculate the direction of improvement: " "a line going from the nadir point to the reference point. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ) } @property
[docs] def I_epsilon(self): return self.__I_epsilon
[docs] def I_alpha(self): return self.__I_alpha
[docs] def mu(self): return 1 / (self.nadir - self.preference["reference point"])
[docs] def w(self): return self.__w
[docs] def q(self): return self.preference["reference point"]
[docs] def epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs]class AUG_GUESS_GLIDE(GUESS_GLIDE): """ Implements the Augmented GUESS method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=nadir, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.__w = 1
[docs]class NIMBUS_GLIDE(GLIDEBase): """ Implements the NIMBUS method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=nadir, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.__mu = self.__w = 1 / (self.nadir - self.utopian) self.has_additional_constraints = True self.required_keys = { "current solution": ( "A solution preferred by the DM currently. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ), "classifications": ( "A list of same length as the number of objectives. Elements can only " "include some or all of ['<', '<=', '=', '>=', '0']. These classify " "the different objectives as defined in the NIMBUS or GLIDE-II paper. " "(type: list)" ), "levels": ( "A vector containing desirable levels of objectives or constraining bounds " "depending on the classification. Same length as the number of objectives. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ), } @property
[docs] def improve_unconstrained(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == "<")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def improve_constrained(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == "<=")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def satisfactory(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == "=")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def relax_constrained(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == ">=")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def relax_unconstrained(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == "0")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def I_alpha(self): return self.improve_unconstrained + self.improve_constrained
[docs] def I_epsilon(self): return ( self.improve_unconstrained + self.improve_constrained + self.satisfactory + self.relax_constrained )
[docs] def w(self): # This was in the paper return self.__w # This is what I think it should be. There may be division by zero errors here. """return (self.objective_vector / (self.objective_vector - self.q)) / ( self.nadir - self.utopian )"""
[docs] def mu(self): return self.__mu
[docs] def q(self): q = np.full_like(self.utopian, fill_value=0, dtype=float) q[self.improve_unconstrained] = self.utopian[self.improve_unconstrained] q[self.improve_constrained] = self.preference["levels"][ self.improve_constrained ] return q
[docs] def epsilon(self): e = np.full_like(self.utopian, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=float) case1 = ( self.improve_constrained + self.improve_unconstrained + self.satisfactory ) case2 = self.relax_constrained e[case1] = self.preference["current solution"][case1] e[case2] = self.preference["levels"][case2] return e
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): return 0
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): return np.zeros_like(self.utopian)
[docs]class STEP_GLIDE(GLIDEBase): """ Implements the STEP method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=nadir, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.__mu = (self.nadir - self.utopian) / np.max( np.abs(np.vstack((utopian, nadir))), axis=0 ) self.__w = 0 self.I_epsilon = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=True) self.has_additional_constraints = True self.required_keys = { "current solution": ( "A solution preferred by the DM currently. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ), "classifications": ( "A list of same length as the number of objectives. Elements can only " "include some or all of [<=', '=', '>=']. These classify " "the different objectives as defined in the GLIDE-II paper. " "(type: list)" ), "levels": ( "A vector containing desirable levels of objectives or constraining bounds " "depending on the classification. Same length as the number of objectives. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ), } @property
[docs] def improve_constrained(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == "<=")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def satisfactory(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == "=")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def relax_constrained(self): indices = np.full_like(self.utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False) relevant = np.where(np.array(self.preference["classifications"]) == ">=")[0] indices[relevant] = True return indices
[docs] def I_alpha(self): return self.improve_constrained
[docs] def w(self): # This was in the paper return self.__w
[docs] def mu(self): return self.__mu
[docs] def q(self): q = np.full_like(self.utopian, fill_value=0, dtype=float) q[self.improve_constrained] = self.utopian[self.improve_constrained] return q
[docs] def epsilon(self): e = np.full_like(self.utopian, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=float) case1 = self.improve_constrained + self.satisfactory case2 = self.relax_constrained e[case1] = self.preference["current solution"][case1] e[case2] = self.preference["levels"][case2] return e
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): return 0
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): return np.zeros_like(self.utopian)
[docs]class STOM_GLIDE(GLIDEBase): """ Implements the STOM method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Has no effect on STOM calculation. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=None, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.has_additional_constraints = False self.__I_alpha = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=True ).flatten() self.__I_epsilon = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False ).flatten() self.__w = 0 self.required_keys = { "reference point": ( "Used to calculate the direction of improvement: " "a line going from the reference point to the utopian point. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ) } @property
[docs] def I_epsilon(self): return self.__I_epsilon
[docs] def I_alpha(self): return self.__I_alpha
[docs] def mu(self): return 1 / (self.preference["reference point"] - self.utopian)
[docs] def w(self): return self.__w
[docs] def q(self): return self.utopian
[docs] def epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs]class AUG_STOM_GLIDE(STOM_GLIDE): """ Implements the Augmented STOM method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Has no effect on STOM calculation. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=None, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.has_additional_constraints = False self.__w = 1
[docs]class Tchebycheff_GLIDE(GLIDEBase): """ Implements the Tchebycheff method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, utopian: np.ndarray = None, nadir: np.ndarray = None, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=utopian, nadir=None, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.has_additional_constraints = False self.__I_alpha = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=True ).flatten() self.__I_epsilon = np.full_like( utopian, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False ).flatten() self.__w = 1 self.required_keys = { "mu": ( "Vector defining the direction of improvement of the scalarizer. " "(type: numpy.ndarray)" ) } @property
[docs] def I_epsilon(self): return self.__I_epsilon
[docs] def I_alpha(self): return self.__I_alpha
[docs] def mu(self): return self.preference["mu"]
[docs] def w(self): return self.__w
[docs] def q(self): return self.utopian
[docs] def epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs]class PROJECT_GLIDE(GLIDEBase): """ Implements the PROJECT method of preference elicitation and scalarization using the non-differentiable variant of GLIDE-II as proposed in: Ruiz, Francisco, Mariano Luque, and Kaisa Miettinen. "Improving the computational efficiency in a global formulation (GLIDE) for interactive multiobjective optimization." Annals of Operations Research 197.1 (2012): 47-70. Args: utopian (np.ndarray, optional): The utopian point. Defaults to None. nadir (np.ndarray, optional): The nadir point. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): The augmentation term for the scalarization function. Defaults to 1e-6. """ def __init__( self, current_objective_vector: np.ndarray, rho: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): super().__init__(utopian=None, nadir=None, rho=rho, **kwargs) self.current_objective_vector = current_objective_vector self.has_additional_constraints = False self.__I_alpha = np.full_like( current_objective_vector, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=True ).flatten() self.__I_epsilon = np.full_like( current_objective_vector, dtype=np.bool_, fill_value=False ).flatten() self.__w = 0 @property
[docs] def I_epsilon(self): return self.__I_epsilon
[docs] def I_alpha(self): return self.__I_alpha
[docs] def mu(self): return 1 / np.abs( self.preference["reference point"] - self.current_objective_vector )
[docs] def w(self): return self.__w
[docs] def q(self): return self.utopian
[docs] def epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def s_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)
[docs] def delta_epsilon(self): msg = "This part of the code should not be reached. Contact maintaner." raise GLIDEError(msg)